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Victoria 2 Province Id Map

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Victoria 2 Province Id Map
Aug 31st, 2015
  1. So, I found a province map of the world, and I'm sitting here wondering if there are other versions, with cultures or with regions. Does anybody have a version of the map below but with individual cultures or regions? I see maps of that for EU4, but do any exist for Vicky 2?
  2. This is about a fictional representation of a real world event The Congress of Berlin was held in 1878, following the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878. Essentially the problem, as the rest of Europe saw it, was that the Balkans region was unstable and the Ottoman Empire (the 'sick man of Europe') was waning in power and unable to keep the peace. The various minorities were clamoring either for.
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  1. country_event = {
  2. title = 'Cheat Menu'
  3. desc = 'Welcome to the Cheat Menu. Choose a catagory.'
  4. is_triggered_only = yes
  5. option = {
  6. country_event = 2
  7. option = {
  8. country_event = 3
  9. option = {
  10. country_event = 4
  11. option = {
  12. country_event = 5
  13. option = {
  14. country_event = 6
  15. option = {
  16. country_event = 7
  17. }
  18. country_event = {
  19. title = 'Rebels'
  20. picture = 'riot'
  21. is_triggered_only = yes
  22. option = {
  23. any_pop = {
  24. militancy = -200
  25. remove_country_modifier = rebels
  26. name = no_rebels
  27. }
  28. option = {
  29. any_pop = {
  30. militancy = 200
  31. remove_country_modifier = no_rebels
  32. name = rebels
  33. }
  34. option = {
  35. remove_country_modifier = rebels
  36. }
  37. # Money, Gold and Liferating
  38. id = 3
  39. desc = 'Choose an option.'
  40. name = 'Gold in all Provinces'
  41. trade_goods = precious_metal
  42. }
  43. name = 'Extra Cash'
  44. }
  45. name = 'Increase Liferating'
  46. life_rating = 100
  47. }
  48. # Research and Literacy
  49. id = 4
  50. desc = 'Choose an option.'
  51. name = 'Add Research Points'
  52. }
  53. name = 'Increase Literacy'
  54. literacy = 100
  55. }
  56. # Ideology, State Form and National Value
  57. id = 5
  58. title = 'Ideology, State Form and National Value'
  59. name = 'Ideology'
  60. }
  61. name = 'State Form'
  62. }
  63. name = 'National Value: Order'
  64. }
  65. name = 'National Value: Liberty'
  66. }
  67. name = 'National Value: Equality'
  68. }
  69. # Population
  70. id = 6
  71. desc = 'Choose an option.'
  72. name = 'Kill Foreigners (no reverse)'
  73. limit = {
  74. is_accepted_culture = no
  75. reduce_pop = 0.0
  76. }
  77. name = 'Adjust Foreigners.'
  78. name = adjust
  79. }
  80. option = {
  81. any_owned = {
  82. name = breed
  83. }
  84. }
  85. name = 'Normal'
  86. any_owned = {
  87. }
  88. }
  89. country_event = {
  90. title = 'Foreign Relations, Annexation and Cores'
  91. picture = 'treaty'
  92. is_triggered_only = yes
  93. option = {
  94. country_event = 13
  95. option = {
  96. country_event = 19
  97. }
  98. country_event = {
  99. title = 'Ideology'
  100. picture = 'christ'
  101. is_triggered_only = yes
  102. option = {
  103. upper_house = {
  104. value = 2.00
  105. any_pop = {
  106. value = reactionary
  107. }
  108. }
  109. name = 'Conservative'
  110. ideology = conservative
  111. }
  112. ideology = {
  113. factor = 500.00
  114. }
  115. option = {
  116. upper_house = {
  117. value = 2.00
  118. any_pop = {
  119. value = liberal
  120. }
  121. }
  122. name = 'Anarcho-Liberal'
  123. ideology = anarcho_liberal
  124. }
  125. ideology = {
  126. factor = 500.00
  127. }
  128. option = {
  129. upper_house = {
  130. value = 2.00
  131. any_pop = {
  132. value = socialist
  133. }
  134. }
  135. name = 'Communist'
  136. ideology = communist
  137. }
  138. ideology = {
  139. factor = 500.00
  140. }
  141. option = {
  142. upper_house = {
  143. value = 2.00
  144. any_pop = {
  145. value = fascist
  146. }
  147. }
  148. # State Form
  149. id = 9
  150. desc = 'Choose a State Form'
  151. name = 'Absolute Monarchy'
  152. }
  153. name = 'Prussian Constitutionalism'
  154. }
  155. name = HMS Government'
  156. }
  157. name = 'a democracy!'
  158. }
  159. name = 'Fascist Dictatorship'
  160. }
  161. name = 'Proletarian Dictatorship'
  162. }
  163. name = 'Presidential Dictatorship'
  164. }
  165. name = 'Bourgeois Dictatorship'
  166. }
  167. country_event = {
  168. title = 'Order!'
  169. desc = 'Our society has changed to one based on order, law and government.'
  170. NOT = {
  171. }
  172. government = absolute_monarchy
  173. government = fascist_dictatorship
  174. }
  175. months = 1
  176. name = 'Great!'
  177. }
  178. country_event = {
  179. title = 'Liberty!'
  180. desc = 'Our society has changed to one based on liberty, freedom and civil rights.'
  181. NOT = {
  182. }
  183. government = democracy
  184. }
  185. months = 1
  186. name = 'Great!'
  187. }
  188. country_event = {
  189. title = 'Equality!'
  190. desc = 'Our society has changed to one based on equality, common interest and patriots.'
  191. NOT = {
  192. }
  193. government = proletarian_dictatorship
  194. }
  195. months = 1
  196. name = 'Great!'
  197. }
  198. # Celebrate!
  199. id = 13
  200. desc = 'Celebrations of our great nation are going on, people are happy and enjoying. They are proud to be part of $THISCOUNTRY$!'
  201. war = no
  202. NOT = {
  203. }
  204. prestige = 250
  205. }
  206. months = 1
  207. name = 'Inspire our allies.'
  208. add_country_modifier = {
  209. duration = 730
  210. any_pop = {
  211. }
  212. limit = {
  213. TAG = THIS
  214. }
  215. alliance_with = THIS
  216. relation = {
  217. value = 200
  218. }
  219. country_event = 14
  220. any_country = {
  221. NOT = {
  222. }
  223. }
  224. who = THIS
  225. }
  226. any_country = {
  227. NOT = {
  228. is_greater_power = yes
  229. alliance_with = THIS
  230. country_event = 15
  231. }
  232. option = {
  233. prestige = 10
  234. name = happy
  235. }
  236. militancy = -5
  237. }
  238. # Join supporters
  239. id = 14
  240. desc = 'The people of $FROMCOUNTRY$ have inspired our people to join their nation.'
  241. name = 'Lets see their response.'
  242. limit = {
  243. }
  244. }
  245. # Extra Influence
  246. id = 15
  247. desc = 'The people of $FROMCOUNTRY$ are celebrating, $FROMCOUNTRY$ knows a thing or two about keeping people happy. Shall we ask them for advice?'
  248. name = 'No.'
  249. name = 'Im sure we can learn something from them.'
  250. militancy = -1
  251. any_country = {
  252. TAG = FROM
  253. diplomatic_influence = {
  254. value = 25
  255. relation = {
  256. value = 25
  257. }
  258. # Join?
  259. id = 16
  260. desc = 'The people of $FROMCOUNTRY$ have been inspired to join our nation. Do you let them?'
  261. name = 'Ofcourse!'
  262. limit = {
  263. }
  264. any_owned = {
  265. }
  266. }
  267. name = 'No, $FROMCOUNTRY$ must stay independent.'
  268. badboy = -5
  269. limit = {
  270. }
  271. }
  272. }
  273. country_event = {
  274. title = 'Sign the treaty?'
  275. desc = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ wants to annex us, and our people support it, shall we sign the treaty? Refusing to sign will cause some trouble.'
  276. name = 'Very well then.'
  277. inherit = THIS
  278. ai_chance = {
  279. }
  280. name = 'Never!'
  281. casus_belli = {
  282. type = annex_core_country
  283. }
  284. name = no_join
  285. }
  286. who = FROM
  287. }
  288. militancy = 3
  289. }
  290. }
  291. country_event = {
  292. title = '$THISCOUNTRY$ stays independant'
  293. desc = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ respects our independance and refuses to annex us. Our people did not hope for this, but have to accept it.'
  294. name = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ is a true ally.'
  295. name = no_join
  296. }
  297. }
  298. country_event = {
  299. title = 'New Borders?'
  300. desc = 'Shall we adjust our de jure borders? This means gaining cores in currently owned territory, while losing them in territory owned by other countries. Also new maps are needed.'
  301. war = no
  302. has_country_modifier = border
  303. }
  304. mean_time_to_happen = {
  305. }
  306. option = {
  307. prestige = 10
  308. paper = -5
  309. name = border
  310. }
  311. add_core = THIS
  312. any_country = {
  313. vassal_of = THIS
  314. any_owned = {
  315. }
  316. any_country = {
  317. AND = {
  318. TAG = THIS
  319. NOT = {
  320. }
  321. }
  322. remove_core = THIS
  323. }
  324. name = 'Keep the old ones.'
  325. name = border
  326. }
  327. }
  328. put this inside events folder and name it something.
  329. then this one you put inside event modifiers or something
  330. no_rebels = {
  331. pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.2
  332. }
  333. rebels = {
  334. pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.2
  335. }
  336. adjust = {
  337. immigrant_attract = -1000
  338. }
  339. breed = {
  340. global_population_growth = 0.003
  341. }
  342. happy = {
  343. }
  344. no_join = {
  345. }
  346. border = {
  347. }
  348. famous = {
  349. }
  350. not_famous = {
  351. }
VICTORIA 2 CHEAT MENU # Cheat Menu country_event = { id = 1 title = 'Cheat Menu' desc = 'Welcome to the Cheat Menu. Choose a catagory.' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Rebels' country_event = 2 } option = { name = 'Money, Gold and Liferating' country_event = 3 } option = { name = 'Research and Literacy' country_event = 4 } option = { name = 'Ideology, State Form and National Value' country_event = 5 } option = { name = 'Population' country_event = 6 } option = { name = 'Foreign Relations, Annexation and Cores' country_event = 7 } } # Rebels country_event = { id = 2 title = 'Rebels' desc = 'Choose an option.' picture = 'riot' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'No Rebels' any_pop = { consciousness = -200 militancy = -200 } remove_country_modifier = rebels add_country_modifier = { name = no_rebels duration = -1 } } option = { name = 'Endless Rebels' any_pop = { consciousness = 200 militancy = 200 } remove_country_modifier = no_rebels add_country_modifier = { name = rebels duration = -1 } } option = { name = 'Normal' remove_country_modifier = rebels remove_country_modifier = no_rebels } } # Money, Gold and Liferating country_event = { id = 3 title = 'Money, Gold and Liferating' desc = 'Choose an option.' picture = 'goldrush' is_triggered_only = yes option ={ name = 'Gold in all Provinces' any_owned = { trade_goods = precious_metal } } option ={ name = 'Extra Cash' money = 1000000 } option ={ name = 'Increase Liferating' any_owned = { life_rating = 100 } } } # Research and Literacy country_event = { id = 4 title = 'Research and Literacy' desc = 'Choose an option.' picture = 'tocqueville' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Add Research Points' research_points = 500000 } option = { name = 'Increase Literacy' any_pop = { literacy = 100 } } } # Ideology, State Form and National Value country_event = { id = 5 title = 'Ideology, State Form and National Value' desc = 'Choose a catagory or option.' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Ideology' country_event = 8 } option = { name = 'State Form' country_event = 9 } option = { name = 'National Value: Order' country_event = 10 } option = { name = 'National Value: Liberty' country_event = 11 } option = { name = 'National Value: Equality' country_event = 12 } } # Population country_event = { id = 6 title = 'Population' desc = 'Choose an option.' picture = 'kkk' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Kill Foreigners (no reverse)' any_pop = { limit = { is_primary_culture = no is_accepted_culture = no } reduce_pop = 0.0 } } option = { name = 'Adjust Foreigners.' add_country_modifier = { name = adjust duration = -1 } } option = { name = 'Increase population' any_owned = { add_province_modifier = { name = breed duration = -1 } } } option = { name = 'Normal' remove_country_modifier = adjust any_owned = { remove_province_modifier = breed } } } # Foreign Relations, Annexation and Cores country_event = { id = 7 title = 'Foreign Relations, Annexation and Cores' desc = 'Choose an option.' picture = 'treaty' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Foreign Relations and Annexation' country_event = 13 } option = { name = 'Cores' country_event = 19 } } # Ideology country_event = { id = 8 title = 'Ideology' desc = 'Choose an Ideology.' picture = 'christ' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Reactionary' upper_house = { ideology = reactionary value = 2.00 } any_pop = { ideology = { value = reactionary factor = 500.00 } } } option = { name = 'Conservative' upper_house = { ideology = conservative value = 2.00 } any_pop = { ideology = { value = conservative factor = 500.00 } } } option = { name = 'Liberal' upper_house = { ideology = liberal value = 2.00 } any_pop = { ideology = { value = liberal factor = 500.00 } } } option = { name = 'Anarcho-Liberal' upper_house = { ideology = anarcho_liberal value = 2.00 } any_pop = { ideology = { value = anarcho_liberal factor = 500.00 } } } option = { name = 'Socialist' upper_house = { ideology = socialist value = 2.00 } any_pop = { ideology = { value = socialist factor = 500.00 } } } option = { name = 'Communist' upper_house = { ideology = communist value = 2.00 } any_pop = { ideology = { value = communist factor = 500.00 } } } option = { name = 'Fascist' upper_house = { ideology = fascist value = 2.00 } any_pop = { ideology = { value = fascist factor = 500.00 } } } } # State Form country_event = { id = 9 title = 'State Form' desc = 'Choose a State Form' picture = 'christ' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Absolute Monarchy' government = absolute_monarchy } option = { name = 'Prussian Constitutionalism' government = prussian_constitutionalism } option = { name = HMS Government' government = hms_government } option = { name = 'a democracy!' government = democracy } option = { name = 'Fascist Dictatorship' government = fascist_dictatorship } option = { name = 'Proletarian Dictatorship' government = proletarian_dictatorship } option = { name = 'Presidential Dictatorship' government = presidential_dictatorship } option = { name = 'Bourgeois Dictatorship' government = bourgeois_dictatorship } } country_event = { id = 10 title = 'Order!' desc = 'Our society has changed to one based on order, law and government.' picture = 'Parade' trigger = { NOT = { nationalvalue = nv_order } OR = { government = absolute_monarchy government = prussian_constitutionalism government = fascist_dictatorship government = presidential_dictatorship } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 } option = { name = 'Great!' nationalvalue = nv_order } } country_event = { id = 11 title = 'Liberty!' desc = 'Our society has changed to one based on liberty, freedom and civil rights.' picture = 'Parade' trigger = { NOT = { nationalvalue = nv_liberty } OR = { government = democracy government = hms_government } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 } option = { name = 'Great!' nationalvalue = nv_liberty } } country_event = { id = 12 title = 'Equality!' desc = 'Our society has changed to one based on equality, common interest and patriots.' picture = 'Parade' trigger = { NOT = { nationalvalue = nv_equality } OR = { government = proletarian_dictatorship government = bourgeois_dictatorship } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 } option = { name = 'Great!' nationalvalue = nv_equality } } # Celebrate! country_event = { id = 13 title = 'Glory!' desc = 'Celebrations of our great nation are going on, people are happy and enjoying. They are proud to be part of $THISCOUNTRY$!' picture = 'Celebration' trigger = { war = no is_greater_power = yes NOT = { has_country_modifier = happy } OR = { prestige = 250 num_of_cities = 20 } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 } option = { name = 'Inspire our allies.' prestige = 10 add_country_modifier = { name = happy duration = 730 } any_pop = { militancy = -5 } random_country = { limit = { NOT = { TAG = THIS has_country_modifier = no_join } AND = { alliance_with = THIS in_sphere = THIS relation = { who = THIS value = 200 } } } country_event = 14 } any_country = { limit = { NOT = { TAG = THIS } alliance_with = THIS } relation = { who = THIS value = 10 } } any_country = { limit = { NOT = { TAG = THIS is_greater_power = yes } alliance_with = THIS } country_event = 15 } } option = { name = 'Great!' prestige = 10 add_country_modifier = { name = happy duration = 730 } any_pop = { militancy = -5 } } } # Join supporters country_event = { id = 14 title = 'Join $FROMCOUNTRY$?' desc = 'The people of $FROMCOUNTRY$ have inspired our people to join their nation.' picture = 'Celebration' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Lets see their response.' any_country = { limit = { TAG = FROM } country_event = 16 } } } # Extra Influence country_event = { id = 15 title = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ celebrates' desc = 'The people of $FROMCOUNTRY$ are celebrating, $FROMCOUNTRY$ knows a thing or two about keeping people happy. Shall we ask them for advice?' picture = 'Celebration' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'No.' } option = { name = 'Im sure we can learn something from them.' any_pop = { militancy = -1 } any_country = { limit = { TAG = FROM } diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 25 } relation = { who = THIS value = 25 } } } } # Join? country_event = { id = 16 title = 'Join $THISCOUNTRY$?' desc = 'The people of $FROMCOUNTRY$ have been inspired to join our nation. Do you let them?' picture = 'treaty' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Ofcourse!' any_country = { limit = { TAG = FROM } country_event = 17 any_owned = { add_core = THIS } } } option = { #6 name = 'No, $FROMCOUNTRY$ must stay independent.' prestige = 10 badboy = -5 any_country = { limit = { TAG = FROM } country_event = 18 } } } # Annex country_event = { id = 17 title = 'Sign the treaty?' desc = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ wants to annex us, and our people support it, shall we sign the treaty? Refusing to sign will cause some trouble.' picture = 'treaty' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Very well then.' FROM = { inherit = THIS } ai_chance = { factor = 25 } } option = { name = 'Never!' FROM = { casus_belli = { target = THIS type = annex_core_country } } add_country_modifier = { name = no_join duration = 730 } relation = { who = FROM value = -200 } any_pop = { militancy = 3 consciousness = 2 } } } # no_join message country_event = { id = 18 title = '$THISCOUNTRY$ stays independant' desc = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ respects our independance and refuses to annex us. Our people did not hope for this, but have to accept it.' picture = 'strike' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ is a true ally.' add_country_modifier = { name = no_join duration = 730 } } } # New Claims country_event = { id = 19 title = 'New Borders?' desc = 'Shall we adjust our de jure borders? This means gaining cores in currently owned territory, while losing them in territory owned by other countries. Also new maps are needed.' picture = 'treaty' trigger = { war = no NOT = { has_country_modifier = border } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 } option = { name = 'Renew our borders.' prestige = 10 money = -500 paper = -5 add_country_modifier = { name = border duration = 365 } any_owned = { add_core = THIS } any_country = { limit = { vassal_of = THIS } any_owned = { add_core = THIS } } any_country = { limit = { AND = { NOT = { TAG = THIS } NOT = { vassal_of = THIS } } } any_owned = { remove_core = THIS } } } option = { name = 'Keep the old ones.' add_country_modifier = { name = border duration = 365 } badboy = 1 } } put this inside events folder and name it something. then this one you put inside event modifiers or something no_rebels = { pop_militancy_modifier = -0.2 pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.2 icon = 7 } rebels = { pop_militancy_modifier = 0.2 pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.2 icon = 7 } adjust = { assimilation_rate = 1000 immigrant_attract = -1000 icon = 7 } breed = { assimilation_rate = 1000 global_population_growth = 0.003 icon = 7 } happy = { icon = 7 } no_join = { icon = 7 } border = { icon = 7 } famous = { icon = 7 } not_famous = { icon = 7 } Province ID Map? | Paradox Interactive Forums

PDM introduces new goods, so that means new ways to produce them, to use them or different ways to produce existing goods. In bold are the new Goods, RGOs, Artisans and Factories introduced by PDM. 1216 rows From Victoria 2 Wiki. The following table lists all provinces and their properties. Tip: Use Ctrl+F to open a search panel, so you can find the province you want. ID Province Name Owner Cores Resource Life Rating Region 1: Sitka: Russia: Russia: Timber: 20: Alaska 2. Kong (province id# 1898) or Wattara is in an alliance with you. After that event, Sepoy Rebels can rise in any province not held by a South Asian country. The exceptions to this list of provinces are Goa (province id# 1303),. Victoria Cheats Codes, Victoria Ii Cheats, Victoria Infamy Cheat and Victoria Country Tags article. Province events.

Victoria 2 Province Id Map
Victoria 2 Province Id Map - Image Results
Aug 31st, 2015
  1. So, I found a province map of the world, and I'm sitting here wondering if there are other versions, with cultures or with regions. Does anybody have a version of the map below but with individual cultures or regions? I see maps of that for EU4, but do any exist for Vicky 2?
  2. This is about a fictional representation of a real world event The Congress of Berlin was held in 1878, following the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878. Essentially the problem, as the rest of Europe saw it, was that the Balkans region was unstable and the Ottoman Empire (the 'sick man of Europe') was waning in power and unable to keep the peace. The various minorities were clamoring either for.
Not a member of Pastebin yet?Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
  1. country_event = {
  2. title = 'Cheat Menu'
  3. desc = 'Welcome to the Cheat Menu. Choose a catagory.'
  4. is_triggered_only = yes
  5. option = {
  6. country_event = 2
  7. option = {
  8. country_event = 3
  9. option = {
  10. country_event = 4
  11. option = {
  12. country_event = 5
  13. option = {
  14. country_event = 6
  15. option = {
  16. country_event = 7
  17. }
  18. country_event = {
  19. title = 'Rebels'
  20. picture = 'riot'
  21. is_triggered_only = yes
  22. option = {
  23. any_pop = {
  24. militancy = -200
  25. remove_country_modifier = rebels
  26. name = no_rebels
  27. }
  28. option = {
  29. any_pop = {
  30. militancy = 200
  31. remove_country_modifier = no_rebels
  32. name = rebels
  33. }
  34. option = {
  35. remove_country_modifier = rebels
  36. }
  37. # Money, Gold and Liferating
  38. id = 3
  39. desc = 'Choose an option.'
  40. name = 'Gold in all Provinces'
  41. trade_goods = precious_metal
  42. }
  43. name = 'Extra Cash'
  44. }
  45. name = 'Increase Liferating'
  46. life_rating = 100
  47. }
  48. # Research and Literacy
  49. id = 4
  50. desc = 'Choose an option.'
  51. name = 'Add Research Points'
  52. }
  53. name = 'Increase Literacy'
  54. literacy = 100
  55. }
  56. # Ideology, State Form and National Value
  57. id = 5
  58. title = 'Ideology, State Form and National Value'
  59. name = 'Ideology'
  60. }
  61. name = 'State Form'
  62. }
  63. name = 'National Value: Order'
  64. }
  65. name = 'National Value: Liberty'
  66. }
  67. name = 'National Value: Equality'
  68. }
  69. # Population
  70. id = 6
  71. desc = 'Choose an option.'
  72. name = 'Kill Foreigners (no reverse)'
  73. limit = {
  74. is_accepted_culture = no
  75. reduce_pop = 0.0
  76. }
  77. name = 'Adjust Foreigners.'
  78. name = adjust
  79. }
  80. option = {
  81. any_owned = {
  82. name = breed
  83. }
  84. }
  85. name = 'Normal'
  86. any_owned = {
  87. }
  88. }
  89. country_event = {
  90. title = 'Foreign Relations, Annexation and Cores'
  91. picture = 'treaty'
  92. is_triggered_only = yes
  93. option = {
  94. country_event = 13
  95. option = {
  96. country_event = 19
  97. }
  98. country_event = {
  99. title = 'Ideology'
  100. picture = 'christ'
  101. is_triggered_only = yes
  102. option = {
  103. upper_house = {
  104. value = 2.00
  105. any_pop = {
  106. value = reactionary
  107. }
  108. }
  109. name = 'Conservative'
  110. ideology = conservative
  111. }
  112. ideology = {
  113. factor = 500.00
  114. }
  115. option = {
  116. upper_house = {
  117. value = 2.00
  118. any_pop = {
  119. value = liberal
  120. }
  121. }
  122. name = 'Anarcho-Liberal'
  123. ideology = anarcho_liberal
  124. }
  125. ideology = {
  126. factor = 500.00
  127. }
  128. option = {
  129. upper_house = {
  130. value = 2.00
  131. any_pop = {
  132. value = socialist
  133. }
  134. }
  135. name = 'Communist'
  136. ideology = communist
  137. }
  138. ideology = {
  139. factor = 500.00
  140. }
  141. option = {
  142. upper_house = {
  143. value = 2.00
  144. any_pop = {
  145. value = fascist
  146. }
  147. }
  148. # State Form
  149. id = 9
  150. desc = 'Choose a State Form'
  151. name = 'Absolute Monarchy'
  152. }
  153. name = 'Prussian Constitutionalism'
  154. }
  155. name = HMS Government'
  156. }
  157. name = 'a democracy!'
  158. }
  159. name = 'Fascist Dictatorship'
  160. }
  161. name = 'Proletarian Dictatorship'
  162. }
  163. name = 'Presidential Dictatorship'
  164. }
  165. name = 'Bourgeois Dictatorship'
  166. }
  167. country_event = {
  168. title = 'Order!'
  169. desc = 'Our society has changed to one based on order, law and government.'
  170. NOT = {
  171. }
  172. government = absolute_monarchy
  173. government = fascist_dictatorship
  174. }
  175. months = 1
  176. name = 'Great!'
  177. }
  178. country_event = {
  179. title = 'Liberty!'
  180. desc = 'Our society has changed to one based on liberty, freedom and civil rights.'
  181. NOT = {
  182. }
  183. government = democracy
  184. }
  185. months = 1
  186. name = 'Great!'
  187. }
  188. country_event = {
  189. title = 'Equality!'
  190. desc = 'Our society has changed to one based on equality, common interest and patriots.'
  191. NOT = {
  192. }
  193. government = proletarian_dictatorship
  194. }
  195. months = 1
  196. name = 'Great!'
  197. }
  198. # Celebrate!
  199. id = 13
  200. desc = 'Celebrations of our great nation are going on, people are happy and enjoying. They are proud to be part of $THISCOUNTRY$!'
  201. war = no
  202. NOT = {
  203. }
  204. prestige = 250
  205. }
  206. months = 1
  207. name = 'Inspire our allies.'
  208. add_country_modifier = {
  209. duration = 730
  210. any_pop = {
  211. }
  212. limit = {
  213. TAG = THIS
  214. }
  215. alliance_with = THIS
  216. relation = {
  217. value = 200
  218. }
  219. country_event = 14
  220. any_country = {
  221. NOT = {
  222. }
  223. }
  224. who = THIS
  225. }
  226. any_country = {
  227. NOT = {
  228. is_greater_power = yes
  229. alliance_with = THIS
  230. country_event = 15
  231. }
  232. option = {
  233. prestige = 10
  234. name = happy
  235. }
  236. militancy = -5
  237. }
  238. # Join supporters
  239. id = 14
  240. desc = 'The people of $FROMCOUNTRY$ have inspired our people to join their nation.'
  241. name = 'Lets see their response.'
  242. limit = {
  243. }
  244. }
  245. # Extra Influence
  246. id = 15
  247. desc = 'The people of $FROMCOUNTRY$ are celebrating, $FROMCOUNTRY$ knows a thing or two about keeping people happy. Shall we ask them for advice?'
  248. name = 'No.'
  249. name = 'Im sure we can learn something from them.'
  250. militancy = -1
  251. any_country = {
  252. TAG = FROM
  253. diplomatic_influence = {
  254. value = 25
  255. relation = {
  256. value = 25
  257. }
  258. # Join?
  259. id = 16
  260. desc = 'The people of $FROMCOUNTRY$ have been inspired to join our nation. Do you let them?'
  261. name = 'Ofcourse!'
  262. limit = {
  263. }
  264. any_owned = {
  265. }
  266. }
  267. name = 'No, $FROMCOUNTRY$ must stay independent.'
  268. badboy = -5
  269. limit = {
  270. }
  271. }
  272. }
  273. country_event = {
  274. title = 'Sign the treaty?'
  275. desc = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ wants to annex us, and our people support it, shall we sign the treaty? Refusing to sign will cause some trouble.'
  276. name = 'Very well then.'
  277. inherit = THIS
  278. ai_chance = {
  279. }
  280. name = 'Never!'
  281. casus_belli = {
  282. type = annex_core_country
  283. }
  284. name = no_join
  285. }
  286. who = FROM
  287. }
  288. militancy = 3
  289. }
  290. }
  291. country_event = {
  292. title = '$THISCOUNTRY$ stays independant'
  293. desc = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ respects our independance and refuses to annex us. Our people did not hope for this, but have to accept it.'
  294. name = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ is a true ally.'
  295. name = no_join
  296. }
  297. }
  298. country_event = {
  299. title = 'New Borders?'
  300. desc = 'Shall we adjust our de jure borders? This means gaining cores in currently owned territory, while losing them in territory owned by other countries. Also new maps are needed.'
  301. war = no
  302. has_country_modifier = border
  303. }
  304. mean_time_to_happen = {
  305. }
  306. option = {
  307. prestige = 10
  308. paper = -5
  309. name = border
  310. }
  311. add_core = THIS
  312. any_country = {
  313. vassal_of = THIS
  314. any_owned = {
  315. }
  316. any_country = {
  317. AND = {
  318. TAG = THIS
  319. NOT = {
  320. }
  321. }
  322. remove_core = THIS
  323. }
  324. name = 'Keep the old ones.'
  325. name = border
  326. }
  327. }
  328. put this inside events folder and name it something.
  329. then this one you put inside event modifiers or something
  330. no_rebels = {
  331. pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.2
  332. }
  333. rebels = {
  334. pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.2
  335. }
  336. adjust = {
  337. immigrant_attract = -1000
  338. }
  339. breed = {
  340. global_population_growth = 0.003
  341. }
  342. happy = {
  343. }
  344. no_join = {
  345. }
  346. border = {
  347. }
  348. famous = {
  349. }
  350. not_famous = {
  351. }
VICTORIA 2 CHEAT MENU # Cheat Menu country_event = { id = 1 title = 'Cheat Menu' desc = 'Welcome to the Cheat Menu. Choose a catagory.' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Rebels' country_event = 2 } option = { name = 'Money, Gold and Liferating' country_event = 3 } option = { name = 'Research and Literacy' country_event = 4 } option = { name = 'Ideology, State Form and National Value' country_event = 5 } option = { name = 'Population' country_event = 6 } option = { name = 'Foreign Relations, Annexation and Cores' country_event = 7 } } # Rebels country_event = { id = 2 title = 'Rebels' desc = 'Choose an option.' picture = 'riot' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'No Rebels' any_pop = { consciousness = -200 militancy = -200 } remove_country_modifier = rebels add_country_modifier = { name = no_rebels duration = -1 } } option = { name = 'Endless Rebels' any_pop = { consciousness = 200 militancy = 200 } remove_country_modifier = no_rebels add_country_modifier = { name = rebels duration = -1 } } option = { name = 'Normal' remove_country_modifier = rebels remove_country_modifier = no_rebels } } # Money, Gold and Liferating country_event = { id = 3 title = 'Money, Gold and Liferating' desc = 'Choose an option.' picture = 'goldrush' is_triggered_only = yes option ={ name = 'Gold in all Provinces' any_owned = { trade_goods = precious_metal } } option ={ name = 'Extra Cash' money = 1000000 } option ={ name = 'Increase Liferating' any_owned = { life_rating = 100 } } } # Research and Literacy country_event = { id = 4 title = 'Research and Literacy' desc = 'Choose an option.' picture = 'tocqueville' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Add Research Points' research_points = 500000 } option = { name = 'Increase Literacy' any_pop = { literacy = 100 } } } # Ideology, State Form and National Value country_event = { id = 5 title = 'Ideology, State Form and National Value' desc = 'Choose a catagory or option.' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Ideology' country_event = 8 } option = { name = 'State Form' country_event = 9 } option = { name = 'National Value: Order' country_event = 10 } option = { name = 'National Value: Liberty' country_event = 11 } option = { name = 'National Value: Equality' country_event = 12 } } # Population country_event = { id = 6 title = 'Population' desc = 'Choose an option.' picture = 'kkk' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Kill Foreigners (no reverse)' any_pop = { limit = { is_primary_culture = no is_accepted_culture = no } reduce_pop = 0.0 } } option = { name = 'Adjust Foreigners.' add_country_modifier = { name = adjust duration = -1 } } option = { name = 'Increase population' any_owned = { add_province_modifier = { name = breed duration = -1 } } } option = { name = 'Normal' remove_country_modifier = adjust any_owned = { remove_province_modifier = breed } } } # Foreign Relations, Annexation and Cores country_event = { id = 7 title = 'Foreign Relations, Annexation and Cores' desc = 'Choose an option.' picture = 'treaty' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Foreign Relations and Annexation' country_event = 13 } option = { name = 'Cores' country_event = 19 } } # Ideology country_event = { id = 8 title = 'Ideology' desc = 'Choose an Ideology.' picture = 'christ' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Reactionary' upper_house = { ideology = reactionary value = 2.00 } any_pop = { ideology = { value = reactionary factor = 500.00 } } } option = { name = 'Conservative' upper_house = { ideology = conservative value = 2.00 } any_pop = { ideology = { value = conservative factor = 500.00 } } } option = { name = 'Liberal' upper_house = { ideology = liberal value = 2.00 } any_pop = { ideology = { value = liberal factor = 500.00 } } } option = { name = 'Anarcho-Liberal' upper_house = { ideology = anarcho_liberal value = 2.00 } any_pop = { ideology = { value = anarcho_liberal factor = 500.00 } } } option = { name = 'Socialist' upper_house = { ideology = socialist value = 2.00 } any_pop = { ideology = { value = socialist factor = 500.00 } } } option = { name = 'Communist' upper_house = { ideology = communist value = 2.00 } any_pop = { ideology = { value = communist factor = 500.00 } } } option = { name = 'Fascist' upper_house = { ideology = fascist value = 2.00 } any_pop = { ideology = { value = fascist factor = 500.00 } } } } # State Form country_event = { id = 9 title = 'State Form' desc = 'Choose a State Form' picture = 'christ' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Absolute Monarchy' government = absolute_monarchy } option = { name = 'Prussian Constitutionalism' government = prussian_constitutionalism } option = { name = HMS Government' government = hms_government } option = { name = 'a democracy!' government = democracy } option = { name = 'Fascist Dictatorship' government = fascist_dictatorship } option = { name = 'Proletarian Dictatorship' government = proletarian_dictatorship } option = { name = 'Presidential Dictatorship' government = presidential_dictatorship } option = { name = 'Bourgeois Dictatorship' government = bourgeois_dictatorship } } country_event = { id = 10 title = 'Order!' desc = 'Our society has changed to one based on order, law and government.' picture = 'Parade' trigger = { NOT = { nationalvalue = nv_order } OR = { government = absolute_monarchy government = prussian_constitutionalism government = fascist_dictatorship government = presidential_dictatorship } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 } option = { name = 'Great!' nationalvalue = nv_order } } country_event = { id = 11 title = 'Liberty!' desc = 'Our society has changed to one based on liberty, freedom and civil rights.' picture = 'Parade' trigger = { NOT = { nationalvalue = nv_liberty } OR = { government = democracy government = hms_government } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 } option = { name = 'Great!' nationalvalue = nv_liberty } } country_event = { id = 12 title = 'Equality!' desc = 'Our society has changed to one based on equality, common interest and patriots.' picture = 'Parade' trigger = { NOT = { nationalvalue = nv_equality } OR = { government = proletarian_dictatorship government = bourgeois_dictatorship } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 } option = { name = 'Great!' nationalvalue = nv_equality } } # Celebrate! country_event = { id = 13 title = 'Glory!' desc = 'Celebrations of our great nation are going on, people are happy and enjoying. They are proud to be part of $THISCOUNTRY$!' picture = 'Celebration' trigger = { war = no is_greater_power = yes NOT = { has_country_modifier = happy } OR = { prestige = 250 num_of_cities = 20 } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 } option = { name = 'Inspire our allies.' prestige = 10 add_country_modifier = { name = happy duration = 730 } any_pop = { militancy = -5 } random_country = { limit = { NOT = { TAG = THIS has_country_modifier = no_join } AND = { alliance_with = THIS in_sphere = THIS relation = { who = THIS value = 200 } } } country_event = 14 } any_country = { limit = { NOT = { TAG = THIS } alliance_with = THIS } relation = { who = THIS value = 10 } } any_country = { limit = { NOT = { TAG = THIS is_greater_power = yes } alliance_with = THIS } country_event = 15 } } option = { name = 'Great!' prestige = 10 add_country_modifier = { name = happy duration = 730 } any_pop = { militancy = -5 } } } # Join supporters country_event = { id = 14 title = 'Join $FROMCOUNTRY$?' desc = 'The people of $FROMCOUNTRY$ have inspired our people to join their nation.' picture = 'Celebration' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Lets see their response.' any_country = { limit = { TAG = FROM } country_event = 16 } } } # Extra Influence country_event = { id = 15 title = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ celebrates' desc = 'The people of $FROMCOUNTRY$ are celebrating, $FROMCOUNTRY$ knows a thing or two about keeping people happy. Shall we ask them for advice?' picture = 'Celebration' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'No.' } option = { name = 'Im sure we can learn something from them.' any_pop = { militancy = -1 } any_country = { limit = { TAG = FROM } diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 25 } relation = { who = THIS value = 25 } } } } # Join? country_event = { id = 16 title = 'Join $THISCOUNTRY$?' desc = 'The people of $FROMCOUNTRY$ have been inspired to join our nation. Do you let them?' picture = 'treaty' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Ofcourse!' any_country = { limit = { TAG = FROM } country_event = 17 any_owned = { add_core = THIS } } } option = { #6 name = 'No, $FROMCOUNTRY$ must stay independent.' prestige = 10 badboy = -5 any_country = { limit = { TAG = FROM } country_event = 18 } } } # Annex country_event = { id = 17 title = 'Sign the treaty?' desc = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ wants to annex us, and our people support it, shall we sign the treaty? Refusing to sign will cause some trouble.' picture = 'treaty' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = 'Very well then.' FROM = { inherit = THIS } ai_chance = { factor = 25 } } option = { name = 'Never!' FROM = { casus_belli = { target = THIS type = annex_core_country } } add_country_modifier = { name = no_join duration = 730 } relation = { who = FROM value = -200 } any_pop = { militancy = 3 consciousness = 2 } } } # no_join message country_event = { id = 18 title = '$THISCOUNTRY$ stays independant' desc = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ respects our independance and refuses to annex us. Our people did not hope for this, but have to accept it.' picture = 'strike' is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = '$FROMCOUNTRY$ is a true ally.' add_country_modifier = { name = no_join duration = 730 } } } # New Claims country_event = { id = 19 title = 'New Borders?' desc = 'Shall we adjust our de jure borders? This means gaining cores in currently owned territory, while losing them in territory owned by other countries. Also new maps are needed.' picture = 'treaty' trigger = { war = no NOT = { has_country_modifier = border } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 } option = { name = 'Renew our borders.' prestige = 10 money = -500 paper = -5 add_country_modifier = { name = border duration = 365 } any_owned = { add_core = THIS } any_country = { limit = { vassal_of = THIS } any_owned = { add_core = THIS } } any_country = { limit = { AND = { NOT = { TAG = THIS } NOT = { vassal_of = THIS } } } any_owned = { remove_core = THIS } } } option = { name = 'Keep the old ones.' add_country_modifier = { name = border duration = 365 } badboy = 1 } } put this inside events folder and name it something. then this one you put inside event modifiers or something no_rebels = { pop_militancy_modifier = -0.2 pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.2 icon = 7 } rebels = { pop_militancy_modifier = 0.2 pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.2 icon = 7 } adjust = { assimilation_rate = 1000 immigrant_attract = -1000 icon = 7 } breed = { assimilation_rate = 1000 global_population_growth = 0.003 icon = 7 } happy = { icon = 7 } no_join = { icon = 7 } border = { icon = 7 } famous = { icon = 7 } not_famous = { icon = 7 } Province ID Map? | Paradox Interactive Forums

PDM introduces new goods, so that means new ways to produce them, to use them or different ways to produce existing goods. In bold are the new Goods, RGOs, Artisans and Factories introduced by PDM. 1216 rows From Victoria 2 Wiki. The following table lists all provinces and their properties. Tip: Use Ctrl+F to open a search panel, so you can find the province you want. ID Province Name Owner Cores Resource Life Rating Region 1: Sitka: Russia: Russia: Timber: 20: Alaska 2. Kong (province id# 1898) or Wattara is in an alliance with you. After that event, Sepoy Rebels can rise in any province not held by a South Asian country. The exceptions to this list of provinces are Goa (province id# 1303),. Victoria Cheats Codes, Victoria Ii Cheats, Victoria Infamy Cheat and Victoria Country Tags article. Province events.

Victoria 2 Province Id Map - Image Results

Dragon Age Origins - Weapons Browse through our selection of Weapons for the Dragon Age Origins game on the PC. Dragon age origins weapons mod. Melee weapons in Dragon Age Origins are largely based off the strength stat and are therefore largely targeted towards Warriors and certain Rogue builds. The exception is daggers, which are half dexterity, half strength. The first and most straight-forward stat is damage. This is simply the unmodified amount of damage the weapon will do on a. This page details weapons in Dragon Age: Origins which are unique and can only be obtained once. Characters in Dragon Age: Origins have access to a wide variety of weapons. While characters may hit an opponent without a weapon, this will do little damage and there is no opportunity to specialise in unarmed combat. Most weapons receive a bonus to damage based on the character's strength.

Victoria 2 Province Id Map America

Fallout 4 radio stations mod. Items ProductionPDM introduces new products, so that means new methods to generate them, to use them or various ways to generate existing goods.

broken image